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frequently asked questions
Here is a list of our frequently asked questions compiled for your pleasure.
We ship all our orders the same or very next business day. In any event during the holidays or inclement weather, your order may be delayed. Orders with incorrect information or require an update may also be delayed. A tracking number will be emailed to you when your order ships. We are dedicated to making sure that you have all the necessary information available to you in a timely manner. For more information, please visit our Shipping Policy page.
We may have a promotional code every now and then. The best way to make sure you know about all the latest sales is to Subscribe usign the link bellow. We will keep you updated on all sales, promotions, and new product developments. More information can also be found on our social media pages.
Yes, we ship internationally. All international orders can go through our website like a normal order where the shipping costs will be determined based on the weight and size of the order at checkout. For more information, please visit our International Shipping page.
We stand by our products 100%. Please Contact us so that we can get you taken care of and make sure we get it right!
We do not save payment information post-purchase. However, adding products to your order is not impossible as long as your order has not shipped. We will definitely work with you. Simply Contact us on our form for purchase and return questions and and we will help you.
Yes, we are in the NHL, AHL, OHL, NCAA, CHL, and professional leagues across the globe. We have been the preferred vendor for the Olympic Games. NHL Teams and players wear our product across all leagues.
We recommend RollerGard’s for hockey and figure skaters who weigh 200 lbs. or less. There is no weight limit for SuperGard’s.
RollerGard’s are equipped with a durable compound, indoor/outdoor wheel, and an abec 5 or 7 bearing, so anywhere there is a solid flat surface you can use your RollerGard’s – on concrete, blacktop, sidewalk, over cracks, etc.
RollerGard’s come out of the box ready to fit adult size 8 ½ to 9 skate. Any other size will need to be adjusted to fit the skate. Instructions will be included with your product, or you can visit our How-to video: How to Set up your RollerGard.
YES!! It’s very important that the rear axle be under the heel of the boot. Improper setup could cause the guard to break.
First and foremost, cutting should only be done by an adult. We have found that the best tool for the job is a PVC pipe cutter, but if you don’t have one of those, any sharp saw or blade will work. Please be careful and use caution when cutting your RollerGards.
No, our Hockey RollerGards are not designed to accommodate the blades of figure skates. Our Figure Skating RollerGards and SuperGards are designed specifically for Figure skates only.
RollerGard’s fit most skates. SuperGard’s will fit up to adult 11.5.
You can find more information about our return and exchange policy here.
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